How Can Packaging Buyers And Suppliers Support COP26 Goals?

Everyone is well aware of the harsh effects of global warming which is happening all over the world. Global warming is something that we all have heard of and know that it is bad yet important for the survival of the human race.
Global warming is caused when excess greenhouse gases are released and trapped in the environment. These gases are responsible to keep the environment warm which is crucial to prevent spontaneous increase or decrease in temperature.
We have seen archaeologists and scientists claiming that the absence or reduction of these greenhouse gases will result in an Ice Age which has single-handedly wiped out the dominant race on the Earth several times. The absence of greenhouse gases resulted in the mass-extinction.
We know that these greenhouse gases are important but only in balance as an excess of these greenhouse gases has shown adverse effects on present-day Earth. Climate change, dying wildlife, perishing water bodies.
All of these things have come into the sight of concern of global leaders which has led to making many organisations which has a group of countries that have a meet-up and they discuss the climate problem.
Many organisations all over the world work for the welfare of the environment and Earth.
If you want to talk about it and know more about this then stay with us till the end as we are going to discuss all about COP26 and why it is important.
Then we will see how buyers and suppliers will help with reducing this problem of ever-increasing global warming.
What is COP26 and why is it important?
COP stands for Conference of Parties, all the parties that have signed the UN framework for tackling the problem of climate change.
26 is the total number of times these meetings are held. In March 2021, the UK hosted the 26th COP of the world where all the countries who have signed the contract of joining the UNFCCC will come and talk about the measures that they can take to reduce the negative effects of global warming and climate crisis.
When we ponder deeper we find out that this COP was an agreement which was signed in the Paris of year 2015. This was signed by almost all the countries in the world.
It is important to note that this meet-up is said to be more ambitious than the meet-ups in the past and more action-oriented than any other group in the past.
It is important to see this as an action-oriented climate change plan that has a target to reduce carbon emissions by zero and to limit the warming temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Thou these are quite ambitious targets to be achieved by the countries in the world, it is better than never starting and not taking any answers.
How much does packaging contribute to pollution?
When we think and talk about reducing global warming we must understand that there are not one but many factors responsible for this.
One of those problems is plastic waste. But does plastic pollution contribute to climate change?
The answer to this question is yes, it does affect climate change in all the negative ways.
As plastic is made from fossil fuel which is one of the greatest sources of information about past lives that were present on the Earth being burned for energy.
As if it was not enough, The smoke that is produced by these fossil fuel-based products stays as a micro-sized particle in the atmosphere and affects the ozone layer.
If we talk about the amount of plastic waste that is single-handedly created by the packaging industry only, it will leave you baffled. We are talking about 400 Million metric tons of plastic waste that ends up in landfill out of 40% of this is Single-use plastic that came from the packaging industry.
We are talking about 120 million metric tons of plastic that end up in landfill every year and this amount gradually increases every year.
How does packaging help the environment?

As we are discussing how the buyers and sellers support the goals and targets of the recent COP26. There are many ways which will help the environment to recover faster and better from the negative impacts of pollution that have happened over the years.
In COP26, where the leader of most of the countries has pledged to reduce the carbon footprint. What can buyers and sellers do to help and support the good cause?
In this section, we will talk about what we can do to reduce our carbon footprint. If we think about what is causing this much chaos with waste management, we will conclude that most single-use plastic is the culprit behind this.
For many decades, we have enjoyed all the benefits and comfort of single-use plastic. Due to poor waste management, it has become the biggest problem on this Earth.
Now it's time to change what we have eyeing doing for so long. To do so we have made a list of things that we can do to solve this problem.
Use flexible packaging
Flexible packaging is the type of packaging where the package is a pouch which holds the product.
This is a good idea as it takes low resources while manufacturing and helps with reducing carbon footprint by up to 60 percent.
Use Recycled material
Using recyclable material for packaging that many companies, so in order to get one step ahead of them we can use recycled material for our products.
Using recycled material not only helps with reducing the pressure on natural resources.
Use Compostable packaging
This goes without saying that using packaging that will compost or degrade on its own is a great idea.
This is especially good for the things those packaging we throw away after a short span of time.
These things can be used as an alternative to single-use plastic.
We are at the end of our discussion about the COP26 where we learnt a lot about the different things about this Paris Agreement that we have talked about.
Then we went ahead with our discussion about the ill effects of plastic packaging and how can we tackle this problem as buyers and sellers.
Thank you for reading till the end.

Suman Mandal has been in the packaging industry for a long time. She is passionate about the innovative ways this industry comes up with. Currently, she is writing for To The Packaging about various packaging solutions.