Corrugated box vs Cardboard Box - To The Packaging

Boxes are useful nowadays because of their use in transporting goods from one place to another. There are different types of boxes used in shipment of bulk orders of goods. Corrugated boxes are used for packaging of items shipped to different locations. It is highly used by industrial businesses as it provides a stable cushion for the product kept inside it and with the box the delivery of the item is much safer. On the other hand cardboard boxes are used for light weight products. Both give you the benefit of safe shipment but there are some differences between corrugated box and cardboard boxes.
What is a corrugated and cardboard box?
A corrugated box is a type of box which is used for shipping items from one place to the other. The corrugated box is composed of three sheets of container board which makes it strong and durable. The sheets used on the outside of the box are flatliners whereas the sheet used in the middle is rippled in shape. A fiberboard sheet is used to glue the three sheets used to make the corrugated box. The main benefit of the corrugated box is that it is durable and keeps the items safe inside. It can resist heat and pressure and can also manage fragile items.
Talking about cardboard boxes, they are also used for shipment of items. Many companies use cardboard boxes to export light weight items from one place to the other. The material of the cardboard box is not so good in comparison to corrugated boxes so there are chances sometimes that the shipment is not smooth if cardboard box is used. The cardboard boxes are cost effective so industries buy them in bulk.
Features of corrugated box and cardboard box
As mentioned, corrugated boxes and cardboard boxes are very useful when it comes to exporting goods or for packaging of products for delivery. But there are some particular uses of them and they are as follows,
Corrugated boxes
- It keeps your items protected from any kind of external damage
- It can be used for delivery of all types of products
- It is highly preferred by industrial business for packaging of fragile items
- It keep your item way from heat and pressure
Cardboard boxes
- It is used for packaging of light weight items
- The boxes are sued by business for small items
- Clothes can be packaged easily with cardboard items as it is cost effective
- It is used for bulk export of goods
Both corrugated box and cardboard box are useful for packaging of items and delivering it to various locations. People prefer corrugated boxes because of the material used to make them. It ensures that the product stays safe inside the box.
Differences between corrugated and cardboard box
As mentioned both corrugated boxes and cardboard boxes are used for similar reasons but there are some minor differences between which less people know about. The differences are as follows,
Difference in material
When you purchase an item you tend to look at the item’s material and quality. This is because you want to purchase a long lasting item for yourself. Similarly when buying boxes the material of the box matters a lot.
A corrugated box is made up of some layers of sheet and not just a single sheet material. There are a total three layers which includes the inner line, outer line and the middle line which comes in between the two. The material of corrugated boxes is lightweight and resistant. So if you use the corrugated boxes for packaging the shipment is much safer and secure. If you are shipping items in bulk then it is best to use corrugated boxes. As the material is so strong it keeps your item away from moisture and temperature.
A cardboard box on the other hand is made from heavy paper. It does not consist of different layers. The box gives support to less rigid and non fragile items for example clothing or stationeries. This is because it is not equally durable to corrugated boxes so unbreakable items are usually carried in cardboard boxes.
- Difference in price : There is no specific prices of the boxes as it differs based on sizes and uses. But both corrugated and cardboard boxes have a difference in price from each other. This is because cardboard boxes are less expensive whereas corrugated boxes are a little expensive. This is because of the difference in the material and quality of the two. Corrugated boxes have a better quality and durability but cardboard boxes cannot take much weight and pressure. So if you are looking for boxes for long term use then it is better to buy a corrugated box but remember that these boxes are expensive in comparison to cardboard boxes.
- Difference in packaging : Packaging of items is important to keep them safe and private before it reaches its destination. But different types of boxes are used to package different types of items.
A corrugated box is a multi purpose box which has many different things to package. It is used for packaging rigid items, fragile items, food and small items. This is because the boxes have the ability to secure the item from any kind of external damage. The corrugated boxes are adaptable to heat and pressure also.
A cardboard box is used for packaging of non rigid items so that the item is safe when it is delivered with a cardboard box. A cardboard box is good for clothing items and non breakable items. But it is not suitable for fragile items because of its less capability to control heat and pressure. If you are sending clothes, shoes and plastic containers through cardboard boxes then it is highly useful.
Which one is better- a corrugated box or cardboard box?
Both corrugated and cardboard boxes are useful when it comes to packaging of items. But the difference lies in the type of items both can carry. As mentioned earlier, corrugated boxes are fit for fragile and rigid items because of the material it is made up of. So this means it can easily carry non fragile items also as they are super safe in corrugated boxes. But this is not the case with cardboard boxes because they cannot take fragile items safely, they are meant for non breakable items only. So as pee experts, a box which can handle different types of items is better than one which can handle only a particular type of item.
So it can be said that corrugated boxes are way better than cardboard boxes because of its material, durability, purposes and safety of the packaging of items.
Uses of corrugated boxes in daily life
Corrugated boxes are found to be used in our daily life for receiving or sending items. The boxes are strong and durable which can be used at homes very easily.
- Food boxes: the food you received in boxes are corrugated so that the food stays warm and fresh till the time it is not delivered. The corrugated boxes keep the food safe also from any kind of external damage.
- Medical use: in hospitals, medicines are supplied on a daily basis. To carry medicines in bulk safely the corrugated boxes are used. Since they are strong in nature, they can carry syrup bottles also. The sizes of the box differ depending on the amount and types of boxes.
- Packaging e-commerce items: Corrugated boxes keep the items ordered online in a safe zone because of the material it is made up of. When an item is shipped it is handled by different partners of the ecommerce business. In that case the chances of damage or defect increases. So corrugated boxes are helpful in keeping items in the same condition.
- Shifting: When you shift from one place to the other you need to pack your items property so that they are safe till they reach the new house. So using corrugated boxes for shiftings of home essentials is very common. The boxes ensure that the household goods are in place and fragile items are also free from breakage.
- Industry exports: The industrial requirements of exporting important goods from one place to the other is always managed by corrugated boxes. These boxes ensure that the items exported are handled carefully. Corrugated boxes can carry industrial heavy goods also.
Concluding thought
Boxes are used for packaging of items so that it can be delivered safely. There are different types of boxes used for packaging among which corrugated box and cardboard box are mostly used by packaging companies. The difference between the cardboard box and corrugated box is the material it is made up of. As per experts corrugated boxes are best for packaging of many types items which is not possible in case of cardboard box. So it is better to buy corrugated boxes for efficient packaging and long term safety of the item.

Suman Mandal has been in the packaging industry for a long time. She is passionate about the innovative ways this industry comes up with. Currently, she is writing for To The Packaging about various packaging solutions.